


Auto docs



This package defines a copier template for Julia packages and a basic user interface around copier to use it from Julia.

The main functions are: generate, apply, and update.

To create a new package using BestieTemplate run

julia> BestieTemplate.generate("path/to/YourNewPackage.jl")

To apply the template to an existing package

julia> BestieTemplate.apply("path/to/YourExistingPackage.jl")

Check the documentation:

_copy(src_path, dst_path, data; kwargs...)

Internal function to run common code for new or existing packages.

package_name = _sanitize_package_name(path)

Sanitize the path to guess the package_name by looking at the base name and removing an extension. If the result is not a valid identifier, returns "".

apply(dst_path[, data]; kwargs...)
apply(src_path, dst_path[, data]; true, kwargs...)

Applies the template to an existing project at path $dst_path$. If the dst_path does not exist, this will throw an error. For new packages, use BestieTemplate.generate instead.

Runs the copy command of copier with the BestieTemplate template. If src_path is not informed, the GitHub URL of BestieTemplate.jl is used.

The data argument is a dictionary of answers (values) to questions (keys) that can be used to bypass some of the interactive questions.

Keyword arguments

  • guess:Bool = true: Whether to try to guess some of the data from the package itself.
  • warn_existing_pkg::Bool = true: Whether to check if you actually meant update. If you run apply and the dst_path contains a .copier-answers.yml, it means that the copy was already made, so you might have means update instead. When true, a warning is shown and execution is stopped.
  • quiet::Bool = false: Whether to print greetings, info, and other messages. This keyword is also used by copier.

The other keyword arguments are passed directly to the internal Copier.copy.

generate(dst_path[, data]; kwargs...)
generate(src_path, dst_path[, data]; true, kwargs...)

Generates a new project at the path dst_path using the template. If the dst_path already exists, this will throw an error, unless dst_path = ".". For existing packages, use BestieTemplate.apply instead.

Runs the copy command of copier with the BestieTemplate template. If src_path is not informed, the GitHub URL of BestieTemplate.jl is used.

The data argument is a dictionary of answers (values) to questions (keys) that can be used to bypass some of the interactive questions.

Keyword arguments

  • warn_existing_pkg::Boolean = true: Whether to check if you actually meant update. If you run generate and the dst_path contains a .copier-answers.yml, it means that the copy was already made, so you might have means update instead. When true, a warning is shown and execution is stopped.
  • quiet::Boolean = false: Whether to print greetings, info, and other messages. This keyword is also used by copier.

The other keyword arguments are passed directly to the internal Copier.copy.

update([data]; kwargs...)
update(dst_path[, data]; kwargs...)

Run the update command of copier, updating the dst_path (or the current path if omitted) with a new version of the template with a new version of the template.

The data argument is a dictionary of answers (values) to questions (keys) that can be used to bypass some of the interactive questions.

Keyword arguments

The keyword arguments are passed directly to the internal Copier.update.

copy(dst_path[, data]; kwargs...)
copy(src_path, dst_path[, data]; kwargs...)

Wrapper around copier.run_copy.

This is an internal function, if BestieTemplate's main API is not sufficient, open an issue. Note: this is not Base.copy, inside the Copier module we shadow that name.


Debug auto docs


Module Debug

Tools for debugging Bestie. Nothing here is public API.


This file is not tested and not covered in codecov. Except for the data, it is not supposed to be used in the tests.

Noteworthy: BestieTemplate.Debug.Data

dbg_apply([dst_path, data]; data_choice=:minimum)

Convenience function to help debug apply. It runs apply with the dst_path destination and the given data (nothing by default).

It also uses a data_choice to determine fake starting data. This is passed to dbg_data.

It uses the pkgdir location of Bestie and adds the flags

  • defaults = true: Sent to copier to use the default answers.
  • quiet = true: Low verbosity.
  • overwrite = true: Overwrite all files.
  • vcs_ref = HEAD: Use the development version of the template, including dirty repo changes.
dbg_data(data_choice, more_data)

Returns the fake debug data merged with more_data. The options for data_choice are:

  • :nothing, :none: No random data.
  • :required, :req: Only the required data is generated. You get asked which choice of optional data.
  • :minimum, :min: The required data plus the choice "minimum" for optional data.
  • :recommended, :rec: The required data plus the choice "recommended" for optional data.
  • :ask: The required data plus the choice "ask". The optional questions will be asked.
  • :ask_default: Same as :ask plus the default answers for the optional questions.
  • :ask_and_say_no: Same as :ask plus answers no/false to the optional questions.
  • :ask_and_say_yes: Same as :ask plus answers yes/true to the optional questions.
dbg_generate([dst_path, data]; data_choice=:minimum)

Convenience function to help debug generate. It runs generate with the dst_path destination (random by default) and the given data (nothing by default).

It also uses a data_choice to determine fake starting data. This is passed to dbg_data.

It uses the pkgdir location of Bestie and adds the flags

  • defaults = true: Sent to copier to use the default answers.
  • quiet = true: Low verbosity.
  • vcs_ref = HEAD: Use the development version of the template, including dirty repo changes.

Fake data for testing

  • Debug.Data: NamedTuple of Dictionaries with default data
    • Debug.Data.required: Required data if you use defaults = true
    • Debug.Data.strategy_minimum: Required data for strategy minimum, no defaults.
    • Debug.Data.strategy_recommended: Required data for strategy recommended, no defaults.
    • Debug.Data.strategy_ask: Required data for strategy ask, no defaults.